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What is OMR Technology

OMR refers to the technique of converting a handwritten marks into an  ASCII value. The Mark is created by filling a circle or a box on a  pre-printed form . The presence or absence of a Mark in a specific location is then converted into a value such as a selection in a multi- choice question,  the selection of one item in a list of several, or even to code a  specific numeric or alphanumeric value, such as a date using six columns of 10 boxes or name with 26 columns etc Thus, if a Mark by itself can only generate a binary choice (presence or absence), the combination of several marks arranged on a form can  provide intelligent answers to questions and be used as a fast and accurate replacement to data entry in many applications.   Basically an OMR Reader is only intelligent to accurately give the position of the marks , interpretation of marks is an important aspect and more than  often known as Template Creation .   Optical marks recognition is traditionally perfo

Next Level Living your dream

Today My Key word is dreams. Dreams  has lot of psychological meanings and you can google and find n number of discussions on dreams , its origination and its interpretations. Here I would like to inform these dreams are controllable , unlike your Sleep Dreams and I am going to talk on this . Dreams are the Entrepreneurs riding horse , its like you are the Jockey of your dreams, but be careful . I t’s a common saying the dreams are not what you see when you sleep it’s the things that don’t let you sleep . For Leaders dreams allow you to imagine , visualise your success story . People have dreams everybody has but  due the external environment he has gone through right from he is born , brought up and education systems , dreams have less or no value at all  . When you  clearly says that you have a dream while everybody says it wont happen , is actually the starting point or flash point of any vision to take place ,because they have heard what they cannot do an

Consistency is the Keyword

Another Life Changing word 'Consistency' Consistency it’s a simple word and many people among us has kept this word as their keyword , they have understood is so well as a meaning , but the big question that differentiates for me the winner and quitter is the Consistency . Its like a bible word for success , everybody knows that in whatever you do , you have to be consistent , whether I write a blog on daily basis , a student study on daily basis , a businessmen consistently gets business, a sales man consistently gets orders, a good player consistently scores runs  , or I heard one of the high impact statement about a Horse that runs consistently higher than its nearest horse values Millions of dollars more than anybody else in Horse Racing When we all know this, then what stops us being consistent , what stops us to behave consistently or perform consistently . You may say that sometimes its chance factor or some times our procrastination attitude of getting thing

What one thing !

What one thing I need to do now , after doing which others thing may become un-necessary or very easy. Its that easy , I heard this one and thought this was one of the most easiest statement ever made to achieve anything in life . But theres a catch , the one thing which needs to be done , which means how to decide which one thing is there would you need to do and how would you able to decide or judge that particular thing which needs to be done . So I decided to define that life is a big thing , lets talk about small things , lets talk about various positions in life or various aspects of life first before defining one big thing in each aspect of life I was lucky to realise early in my life that whats your life goal , well it was the goal when I was passing through a particular part of my life , so when I was a kid , my life goal would have been how to crawl , when I started crawling my life goal would have been to walk and when I achieved walking goal the next goal was to

Open Letter to Shahrukh Khan

Why SRK is important .. Why SRK is important before I get on to it,  I would like to know why SRK is important to me ? When I go back 27 years in my memory lane, and then there was only Doordarshan which was available as an entertainment and the first youth oriented serial watched was  Fauj,i who could forget that unknown , SRK at the time , would make  a huge impact on the aspiring young and youth audience ,  his hunger for success  his charming dimple oriented smiles. Who can forget that and then this guy from New Delhi , few years later would do in Big Cinemas theatres. Wow it was an amazing  Ascend of a ‘friend’ from a person who don't have any film background or so called  Godfather  , with all his hardwork and passion  now a Bollywood hero. It was not an accident of aspiration , it was an inspiration for  Indian youth that looked who but Bollywood star like Shahrukh Khan .That was amazing, I remember How a  movie like Baazigar the song ‘Ye Kali Kali Aankhen’ become the s