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Showing posts from 2018

Detachment from result ? Is is possible in Today's world

Detachment from the Results? Is it Possible "You have a choice in your action but you do not have any choice on the result"   Dr  Sharma,  Shantikunj Haridwar, an Ashram in India followed by many. A few years back I did read this in some book and that nobody had a choice except to just focus back on their efforts.  To me, I started running at an age of 38 years and sometimes I did sometimes I did not, it was a tipsy and trusty kind of an effort. The reason focuses on running a distance, the goal of every day, but it changed the very day when I enjoyed running not as a goal but as a journey, started enjoying the faces of people and the new locations which I prefer to run on, not just running on the treadmill. A treadmill in itself is a discovery of such goal-oriented people who prefer other to also pursue the similar way. But its good we still have a freestyle running option Every day I was thinking what’s the next result or say next goal and ...

New Technology to do Post Examination Work for University

An examination is an examination, and most important work in it is to get it properly evaluated, scored and finally entered in the system. Most of us do not know what happens to your examination booklet or essay type answer script once you submit it to the invigilators. So here how it goes,  in India particularly we use like 20, 30, 36, 40 pages freestyle script which a candidate write its essay type answers or say descriptive type. And most of the university is now using Front Cover as OMR which consist of the candidate information and balance are blank pages. An OMR front cover usually consists of information like Candidate Data, College Code, Subject Code and also have a space for the Invigilator sign etc. What normally happens after this is Information which consists of the Candidate Information is being torn away a kind of Unique Barcode or Dummy Number is being pasted. Then the Candidate Data is being read using some sort of Image-Based OMR or Direct OMR Sca...

Why do I need IoT

IoT ( or as they Say Internet of Things), these days it's a buzzword, and every technology company is talking about the IoT, but many people like us are still yet to know, what IoT can help as a common citizen. What value would it add to us? IOT is the Internet of Things, by the name of it, it would clear few things. But the Internet is no longer a word we need meaning now. So the Internet is obviously a collection of Networks interconnected in such a way that we can access the documents within the network I would not like to make it too technical would use the laymen way of making you understand. IoT thus is accessing not documents but the Devices or things on the Network. Let's say your iPhone or mobile device is connected to the network, wifi or SIM-based can be located and then further being accessed to do the tasks apart from the just reading documents. Say we can take action viz Change Temperature, or Start On /off or whatever action that's supported by this...

RFID Based Student Tracking Solution

RTLS Vehicle Tracking Solution

RFID Vehicle Tracking Solution is the One Unique Solution which works both on Passive and Active Mode. Contact at or Comment.

RTLS Solutions

The New World of Internet of Things ( IoT) is happening around us. Now the devices are connected and tracked monitored and controlled via the Internet. RFID Plays a significant part in the solution. RFID Solutions and Academy Pvt Ltd Provide the Complete Solution on the Tracking of Assets and People. Mail at

RTLS Solutions

The New World of Internet of Things ( IoT) is happening around us. Now the devices are connected and tracked monitored and controlled via the Internet. RFID Plays a significant part in the solution. RFID Solutions and Academy Pvt Ltd Provide the Complete Solution on the Tracking of Assets and People. Mail at

OPEX Falcon Workflow Scanner

In the world of Digitisation where every document retrieval is a Huge Cost and loss of efficiency, you have no solution to cater this. Now we have Opex Workflow scanner which is capable of Scanning all type of Documents and classify them using Certain Scan workflow Software. In a way its an end to end Package. Mail at for more details